Wonders will never cease!

Hooray! The paperback version of my naughty new satire about university life, sex and alcohol in Thatcher’s Britain is now available from Amazon. Also from Feedaread, Hive, Fishpond and other independent online bookshops. (The Kindle edition has been out for a while) Do please share this information widely.

Review ‘Dead Man Falling’ (A Johnny Fedora Espionage Assignment Book 3) by Desmond Cory

I picked this up on a whim, partly because I wanted to test my month’s free membership of Amazon Prime and borrow a book (something I’d never done before) also because (as with all my reading these days) I was directed somehow to the engaging synopsis of the book on Amazon. (Which synopsis bears ratherContinue reading “Review ‘Dead Man Falling’ (A Johnny Fedora Espionage Assignment Book 3) by Desmond Cory”

‘Sea Wall: a journey on the South Dorset Ridgeway’ by Jennifer Hunt (Archaeopteryx, 2016)

I came across this delightful little volume of thoughts, snippets, poems, lino cuts and two inspiring concrete poems at the Weymouth Book Fayre at the beginning of December last year. The Fayre showcased what all us local authors have been producing. A huge range of books was available there, from stunning picture books of theContinue reading “‘Sea Wall: a journey on the South Dorset Ridgeway’ by Jennifer Hunt (Archaeopteryx, 2016)”