‘Where the Gulls Cry’

My new book of short stories, Where the Gulls Cry, set in and around Weymouth is out now! The book contains 28 little stories. ‘Sea Foal’ is illustrated by Em King, and each of the other 27 by Mat Cross. We pride ourselves on having made the illustrations look just as good on Kindle asContinue reading “‘Where the Gulls Cry’”

Ice cold and free!

Just to let you know that my first collection of prizewinning short fiction is FREE on Kindle from  tomorrow, Saturday 13 July 2019, until next Wednesday, inclusive. Link to AmazonUK here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ice-Cold-Passion-other-stories-ebook/dp/B0190IKL0G/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=ice+cold+passion&qid=1562934746&s=books&sr=1-4 Link to AmazonUS here: https://www.amazon.com/Ice-Cold-Passion-other-stories-ebook/dp/B0190IKL0G/ref=sr_1_9?keywords=ice+cold+passion&qid=1562934831&s=books&sr=1-9 A few words of review on any of The Zons or their subsidiary Goodreads will be warmly appreciated.

Free, oh lord: free at last!

‘Is death really necesary?’ is free to download to your Kindle from Amazon US and Amazon UK between 1 and 5 March 2019. If you’ve read it and enjoyed it please tell your friends. If you haven’t read it – give it a go, why not. It’s free this week! Don’t forget shoppers at AmazonContinue reading “Free, oh lord: free at last!”

Great new review of my first novel, ‘Is death really necessary?’

reviewed By Charles Remington for Readers’ Favorite  “Teddy Goldstein is dying, but she manages to leave her highland home and travel by jet pod to Edinburgh for the funeral of her father. Later, at the reading of the will, she is surprised to have been left the company which had been her father’s lifetime obsessionContinue reading “Great new review of my first novel, ‘Is death really necessary?’”

Smashing review of my first book ‘Is death really necessary?’

Did I ever post this here? Who can say. I have the memory of a goldfish. So here it is, just in case: “Judi Moore’s novel Is Death Really Necessary? provides a fresh and intelligent approach to the genre of science fiction, dispensing with stereotypical fodder such as androids and electric sheep and, instead, introducingContinue reading “Smashing review of my first book ‘Is death really necessary?’”

My Writing Process Blog Tour

I’ve been asked to take part in the My Writing Process Blog Tour, by Caroline Davies*. This is a sort of chain letter for writers who blog. We’re each given the same four questions to answer. Do we all do it the same way? Almost certainly not. There are those who plan meticulously before gettingContinue reading “My Writing Process Blog Tour”